Our Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) solutions will streamline the way you secure, monitor and manage your building, campus or public space.
Enabling the centralisation of all security and building management systems onto a common platform delivers real time situational awareness and the ability to react faster and more accurately to incidents.
Integrate all of your existing systems, maximise the investment already made and facilitate the addition of new systems including:
PSIM integration enables numerous organisational benefits, including increased control, improved situation awareness and management reporting. Moreover, as disparate analogue systems are becoming redundant with the convergence to IP systems, PSIM deployment is becoming a cost effective solution for your control room.
Using PSIM strategies, we can link disparate security system components, such as access control, CCTV, intrusion detection, security alarms, fire monitoring, and more, in to a single system. Whether you have a single facility or multi-site operation, our PSIM technology has a solution for you. Our integrated information management and monitoring solutions can provide a comprehensive view of security status to ensure complete physical security across your operations.
Another PSIM benefit is that the approach ties security and information technology together. This gives your company the ability to assign one individual or team to manage physical and technology security for a truly integrated security approach. By turning to our PSIM solution for security systems integration and monitoring, you can achieve protection of your operations and safeguard your personnel, profits, and people at all times.
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